Happy Friday! Here is your weekly recap on the theme of unit tests.
Don't feel bad if you haven't had time to read all the posts this week. What's important is to keep moving forward, no matter the pace. Focus on the journey, not just the destination.
Visual of the Week
Knowledge Check
What does it mean to test implementation details?
What’s the main reason for tests to focus on behavior and not implementation details?
Are behavior-focused tests the same as BDD tests?
Take the latest unit tests you wrote, do you think it could be less focused on implementation details?
What’s the Red-Green-Refactor cycle in TDD?
Should writing tests in TDD be a requirement for high-quality tests?
In a coding interview, should we ask if the candidates write tests in TDD?
What’s the main problem with adding logic in tests?
Can you think of a recent tests you wrote that contain too much logic?
Why does tracking code coverage matter?
Why defining a strict percentage for code coverage could be challenging?
Explore Further
Shoutout to for being a subscriber of The Coder Cafe. Coincidentally, last week, I just finished reading his last book, Tidy First (I do recommend it). Thanks for being part of the community, that’s awesome!
You are thinking thoroughly, and that's good. You're getting a lot right (that is, we seem to agree🤪), and that's good too. There's some stuff I disagree with, which is also good.