Here is the planning for the next six months:
October 28, 2024: ACID
October 29, 2024: CAP theorem
October 30, 2024: PACELC
October 31, 2024: Safety vs. liveness
November 4, 2024: Reliability
November 5, 2024: An Introduction to Graceful Degradation
November 6, 2024: Facebook adaptative queue
November 7, 2024: Resilient vs robust vs reliable
November 11, 2024: Readability
November 12, 2024: Simplifying Complex if Statements
November 13, 2024: Cohesion
November 14, 2024: Coupling
November 18, 2024: Transaction
November 19, 2024: Isolation level
November 20, 2024: Consistency models
November 21, 2024: Consensus
November 25, 2024: Aoc
November 26, 2024: Exercism
November 27, 2024: The One Billion Row challenge
November 28, 2024: Gossip glomers
December 2, 2024: Array vs linked list
December 3, 2024: Heap data structure
December 4, 2024: Graphs
December 5, 2024: Topological sort
December 9, 2024: Cognitive bias
December 10, 2024: Confirmation bias
December 11, 2024: Streetlight effect
December 12, 2024: Survivor bias
December 13, 2024: No more podcasts
December 16, 2024: Test behavior, not implementation
December 17, 2024: TDD
December 18, 2024: Don’t put logic in tests
December 19, 2024: Test coverage
January 6, 2025: Latency numbers every programmer should know
January 7, 2025: Head of line blocking
January 8, 2025: Latency and user experience
January 9, 2025: Scalability
January 13, 2025: Read uncommitted
January 14, 2025: Read committed
January 15, 2025: Repeatable reads
January 16, 2025: Snapshot isolation (SI)
January 20, 2025: CPU architecture
January 21, 2025: K-way associative cache
January 22, 2025: TLB
January 23, 2025: Hyperthreading
January 27, 2025: CDN
January 28, 2025: Multi-tenancy
January 29, 2025: Federation
January 30, 2025: Three planes architecture
February 3, 2025: Functional language
February 4, 2025: Lazy evaluation
February 5, 2025: Higher-order functions
February 6, 2025: Partially Applied Function vs. Currying
February 10, 2025: Backward vs forward compatibility
February 11, 2025: REST
February 12, 2025: gRPC
February 13, 2025: Graphql
February 17, 2025: Different cache locations
February 18, 2025: Cache eviction policy
February 19, 2025: Performance cache vs capacity cache
February 20, 2025: Main metric for cache
February 24, 2025: Change is the first source of outages
February 25, 2025: Rollout frequency
February 26, 2025: Canary vs progressive rollout
February 27, 2025: Blue-green rollout
March 3, 2025: Serializable snapshot isolation (SII)
March 4, 2025: Serializability
March 5, 2025: Choosing the right isolation level
March 6, 2025: Isolation levels in popular databases
March 10, 2025: Code consistency
March 11, 2025: DRY
March 12, 2025: A criticism of clean code
March 13, 2025: Nested code
March 17, 2025: The XY problem
March 18, 2025: The story advantage
March 19, 2025: 10 Rules to Craft Better Slides
March 20, 2025: 10 Rules I Learned About Technical Writing
March 24, 2025: Essence of a good benchmark
March 25, 2025: Fuzz testing
March 26, 2025: Intellectual vs statistical control
March 27, 2025: Validation vs. verification
March 31, 2025: Cache line
April 1, 2025: SIMD
April 2, 2025: CPU vs IO bound
April 3, 2025: Instruction level parallelism
April 7, 2025: Eventual consistency
April 7, 2025: Strong eventual consistency
April 8, 2025: Write follow reads
April 9, 2025: Monotonic reads + monotonic writes
April 10, 2025: Read-after-write consistency
April 14, 2025: Is malloc a system call
April 15, 2025: Kernel responsibilities
April 16, 2025: Sticky flag
April 17, 2025: Thread states
April 21, 2025: Probabilistic increment
April 22, 2025: An introduction to probabilistic algorithms
April 23, 2025: Throughput
April 24, 2025: Goodput
April 28, 2025: Causal consistency + sequential consistency
April 29, 2025: Linearizability
April 30, 2025: Choosing the right consistency model
May 1, 2025: Consistency model in popular database
This planning is not written in stone and is subject to change.